New York Oud: The name says it all. Bond No. 9 is launching an expectation- defying oud—a beautiful contradiction in terms that’s re-invented the whole idea of this much discussed perfume phenomenon. The trick, of course, was to modernize and urbanize that exotic staple, the oud, and give it a New York verve that it’s never had before. A paradox, to be sure. But then New York is a place where impossible, magical paradoxes come true.
It’s only fitting that our beloved city should be given a seemingly self- contradictory oud perfume of its own. And fortunately, we have some experience with ouds. Back in 2008, we introduced our first, for Harrods, that proved, astonishingly, to be the London emporium’s best-selling fragrance—a historic success. And we were emboldened. For our tenth anniversary last year, we quietly developed a second oud, Bond No. 9 Oud, that mingled Eastern and Western fragrance sensibilities. But was that enough? No. What remained was to test the limits of the oud, put it through a sea change, and modernize it for our high-energy metropolitan landscape.
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